Wednesday 130626


Back Squat

12 x 2 @ 55% 1RM


Complete as many reps as possible in 30 minutes of:


Rope climbs

For this WOD, you can partition the work any way you want. At the end of the 30 minutes, your score is the total reps competed for both rope climbs and push-ups. For example, if you complete 230 push-ups and 27 rope climbs, your score will be 257. Partition the work in a way that maximizes the reps. This WOD is from Mainsite 3/3/13.

Photo May 16, 10 30 34 AM
Monica working the hang from below the knees!

Sometimes we here about achy shoulders from you guys. The questions we're often asked is "did I go to heavy" or "have we been doing too much overhead work." We tend to go back to where you feel it, what was happening when you felt it, does anything make it better/worse, etc. Then we go straight to the movement: was the movement being performed correctly? Are there mobility things we can work on to get you in a better position? It's different for everyone, but just like when you start CF, First comes R.O.M, then technique, then intensity. If one of the first 2 is missing and we jump right to intensity, we expose ourselves. 

Check out this Breaking Muscle article by Meghan Hackler, physical therapist and CrossFit coach. It's good stuff!

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