High Bar Back squat
Work up to a 3RM
Death by 10 Meters
Run 1 x 10m the first minute
Run 2 x 10m the second minute
Run 3 x 10m the third minute
Continue to increase the 10m by one until you are unable to complete the total within that minute.
A recent study conducted by Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital has been getting some attention lately. Here's one LA Times piece titled High Carb Meals Pique Cravings for More. Those of you who keep up on this kind of thing and have spent time in books like It All Starts with Food and The Paleo Solution are well aware of the addivtive nature of crappy food. You also understand that this very addictiveness is something that the big food manufacturers use to their advantage when creating the types of food that we end up not being able to live without. Knowledge is power, use it to your advantage.