Work up to a 1RM in 15:00
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
35 Double-unders
25 Thrusters, 95#/65#
15 Toes-to-bar
The first round of Memorial Day Murph participants getting ready to toe the line. Powerful day!
An article was published a little while back in New Orleans about Sean Payton, Coach of the New Orleans Saints, and how he started CrossFit while he served his one year suspension from the NFL, and how now the Saints use CrossFit as part of their strength and conditioning program.
It's always cool to hear about the professional athletes that incorporate CrossFit as a portion of their training. Of course for football players, as any specialty athlete, they have to do a lot more than CrossFit to excel at their sport. It will be cool to see if the Saints have a big year. If so, we'll say that it was because of the CrossFit!