Tuesday 130430


Kipping and the HSPU

Today some instruction on the kip. If you already have the kip, do a couple of warm-up sets and get the paralletes dialed in for today's WOD.


Complete 3 rounds for time of:

10 Deadlfit, 275#/190#

10 Parallette handstand Push-ups (ROM is shoulder to parallette)

10 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

Photo Mar 27, 5 42 16 PM
Wendi working the ring dip!

Starting next week (the week of May 5th) we'll be adding an Open Gym time from 11am to 12pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We had several requests for this and we think it'll be a good deal. This gives you 5 times a week that you can come in and make up a missed WOD, work on a skill, or get some strength stuff in. 

Just as a reminder, there will be a coach present but it's not like a regular WOD. They may be already working with someone, doing some other work around the gym, or otherwise engaged. There's no guarantee that you'll get a signifcant amount of time with the coach. Please come in with a plan on what you want to work on and take full advantage of the opportunity.

Along those lines, the open gym time is 11 to noon…that means the coach is off the clock at noon! Please plan accordingly. If you're doing a long WOD or a bunch of strength stuff, please get in early to get warm and make sure you're finished and cleaned up by noon! Thanks guys!

1 thought on “Tuesday 130430”

  1. Any thoughts about having open gym a couple times a week at a different time such as noon or 1PM for us 9 to 5ers who typically have lunch break during those times and could make it to open gym?

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