Tuesday 130312


Ring Dips

Following some skill instruction on ring dips complete:

Death by Ring Dips

1 ring dip the 1st minute

2 ring dips the 2nd minute

3 ring dips the 3rd minute, etc

There will be a 10:00 cap on this, even if you can continue. 


Overhead squat

3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3

Add weight each set. Don't count your warm-up sets as working sets. Take some time with lighter weight to warm-up to the position. 

Photo Feb 07, 5 40 39 PM
Mike in the OHSq position!

Guys are horrible at remembering anniversaries! Yesterday, March 11th, marks CF Evolve's 3 year anniversary, I should have posted that yesterday, but with the Open and all we were a little preoccupied. Better late than never! It's unreal that it's been 3 years…it's gone fast and slow at the same time, and it's cray how this family has grown to where it is today.

We have to say thank you to our amazing coaches: Jenna, Tybo, Drew, Tracee, and Jeff. Of course we also have to thank all of our athletes. Some of you are newer to the Evolve community and we're lucky to have you, and many of you have been with us since the beginning, and we're grateful to you for sticking with us. Thank you guys for putting your trust in us to allow us to do what we do. And of course, thanks to Shar and Katie. It is a huge pain in the arse to be our wives but the box wouldn't be what it is without all of their help and support.

We will celebrate the 3rd anniversary proper! Plans are in the works for the last weekend of the Open, we'll keep you posted!

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