Oly Skill…from CrossFit New England
For 12 minutes:
Even minutes: 3 Power cleans @ 75% 1RM
Odd minutes: 40 Double-unders
Death by Chest-to-Bar
1 C2B the first minute
2 C2B the second minute
3 C2B the third minute
4 C2B the fourth minute…etc.
Conitinue this pattern until you can no longer complete the number of reps within the minute. At that point, complete a final set of non-chest-to-bar pull-ups until failure.
Drew decided that thrusters aren't hard enough anymore, so he's wearing a vest!
Many of you out there have given up the gluten for a variety of reasons. However, many folks don't know a whole lot about ol' gluten and why it impacts some folks the way it does. Additionally, many think that because a food in the store has "gluten free" stamped on the label that it's good to go and fits into the clean-eating parameters we strive for. Lucky for us we have lots's of resources out there to get us learned. The good peeps over at Whole9 have a great write up: Is Gluten Free All It's Cracked Up to Be – Part 1 and Part 2. These 2 articles are full of great information, check it out!