Oly Skills
2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
Rest 1:00 b/w sets. Add weight each set.
Complete for time:
300 Double-unders
Every minute on the minute complete 5 plate burpees, 45#/25#
Ahhh, 3 position cleans today. What fun! The three position clean is essentially 3 consecutive cleans performed from different starting positions. For those somewhat new to the clean, it will be best for you to start with the bar in the mid-thigh position, followed by the knee, and finally from the floor. For those who have the clean down, start at the floor, followed by knee, and finally from the mid-thigh. You'll find this order more challenging with the decreased distance to generate force coupled with added fatigue from the previous 2 lifts. Below if a video of Catalyst lifters. You can spot some 3 position cleans in there…