Back Squat
5 x 5
5 x 5
Add 5 – 10 pounds to both the squat and deadlift from the weight you used on 11/129/12.
Complete 3 rounds for max reps of:
1:00 Kettlebell snatch, 70#/55#
1:00 Row for calories
1:00 Lateral stick jumps, 30"/24"
1:00 Parallette Shoot Throughs
1:00 Rest
This WOD is performed Fight Gone Bad style with max reps of each movement per minute without a break in-between until you hit the 1:00 rest.
That's Whitney with her pet pig Baxter. Yes, pet pig.
We were surprised to hear that some of you had no idea there was a Christmas party this week. Here's the details for those that didn't know, and a reminder for those that did:
WHAT – Our annual Christmas Party
WHERE – Coopersmith's Pool Side
WHEN – Wednesday, December 5th at 6pm – 9pm
WHAT ELSE – Apps and finger food will be provided.
WHAT ELSE WHAT ELSE - wear an sweet ugly Christmas sweater. There will be a vote. If the majority thinks yours is the best, you get a free month at the box.
Hope to see you guys there!