Back Squats
Work up to a 5RM in 30:00
Complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Box jumps, 40"/30"
Whitney D, rocking partner box jumps with Tracy during Saturday Teamwork!
This week starts another programing cycle. Today's strength is going to give you an important number that will be used over the next 8 weeks for back squats. Do what you can to get in the door today. You'll have plenty of time to work up in weight. It's not a struggle for most of you to find that aggressiveness when working up to a 1RM. It will be important for you to approach these 5 rep days with the same intensity. The load won't be the same as when you work heavy singles, but the time under the bar won't be the same either – it will be longer! Just because the weight is lighter doesn't mean it's easy. Come in prepared to work and get after it!