Thursday 121129


Back Squat

5 x 5


5 x 5

Add 5 to 10 pounds to the load used on 11/20/12.


9 – 6 – 3

Power snatch, 135#/95#

Burpee pull-ups

Photo Oct 23, 7 37 00 PM
Dev and Tay mobilizing and hydrating!

Progress: Forward or onward movement toward a destination. Synonyms: advance – advancement – development – progression

It's something we constantly strive for, or at least we should. It means we're moving forward, we're gaining ground, we're improving. It can be easy to settle in and get comfortable with what you're doing. It takes a lot of work to break out of that comfort zone. Leaving that place you know well and you like can be scary. We have to do it though, because we want that progress. We need it, it's how we grow, it's how we get better. It doesn't always have to be something drastic, it can be little bits at a time. When you do this, and look back after a while, you realize you've come a long way. You've made…wait for it…progress.

Commit to making progress your next workout. Go with a heavier load. Ditch the scaled option for the Rx movement even if it means…gasp…finishing last. Try something you haven't before. Make progress.

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