Saturday 121103

Saturday Teamwork:

In teams of 2 complete 4 rounds for time of:

30 Push press, 95#/65#

40 Box jumps, 30"/24"

50 Burpees

Forward sled drag, 135#/90#

Backward sled drag, 135#/90#

Now for some rules: For push press, the bar can't touch the ground once the set starts, you have to pass it to one another until the 30 are done. For the box jumps, each athlete alternates reps until a total of 40 is reached. For the burpees, alternate reps until 50 is achieved. Each athlete does a forward drag, and each does a backward drag. Distance will be marked off for you, I have no idea how long it is.

Photo Oct 23, 6 52 38 PM

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