Strict toes-to-bar
Complete 5 max rep sets in 10:00
WOD – from The Outlaw Way
Complete 3 rounds for time and reps:
5 Squat clean thrusters, 135#/95#
50 Double unders
5 Squat clean thrusters, 135#/95#
Rest 1:00
1:00 Max reps burpees
Rest 1:00, begin next round
Marcio going overhead during Amazing Grace!
OK everyone, the hoodies are now in and they're sweet! They are at the gym for you to pick up. However, there are a couple of ground rules:
First, only the coaches will hand them out. We have to do a couple of things to make sure folks get the right size and that we track who has gotten theirs, so please don't go through the boxes. Also, obviously the priority for the coaches is coaching, so if you come in mid-WOD and want yours, you may have to wait until the coach is free or even until the WOD ends.
Second, if you haven't paid yet please don't plan on taking home your new hoodie. It will be there when you bring in your cash or check. We have a list. We know if you paid or not.
Third, as we told you they run a little small. If the size you ordered isn't going to work, please let me know. We did order a few extra of the black. Also, the print shop made a pretty big boo boo and printed the same design on a lighter color sweatshirt than we asked for, so we do have extras of that color available. I will leave a couple of that color at the gym for you to see, and if the size works but you like the gray instead of the black, we can switch you out.
Finally, although we told you guys that if you didn't pre-order you would be out of luck, the printing error gives us extras, so if you want one but didn't order one, let me know!