Front Squat
5 x 3 @ 80% 1RM
Take 15:00 to get this done.
Complete for time:
40 Hand-release push-ups
30 Overhead kettlebell standing lunge, right arm, 55#/35#
20 Squat box jump, 24"/18"
10 Muscle-ups
20 Squat box jump, 24"/18"
30 Overhead kettlebell standing lunge, left arm, 55#/35#
40 Hand-release push-ups
Squat box jump is as it sounds, full squat below parallel right into a box jump, rinse and repeat.
Getting proper nutrition is super important, even if it's between sets.
Are you ready to talk nutrition?! Here's a post from Gino:
Alright, we have a ton of new folks and we have been receiving a lot of great questions as coaches in regards to nutrition. So, it seems like we need to have another nutritional seminar and get everyone all on the same page. We will be having a nutrition talk this Sat after the after the WOD. Anyone and everyone is invited, including any friends and family that you would like to bring. Jon and I never charge for nutritional help so invite who ever you would like. Bring pen and paper to take notes and bring your questions. You might want to bring a lawn chair as well. The talk will last about an hour and a half and could go longer depending on the amount of questions we have at the end.