Front Squat
Work up to a 1RM in 20:00
Complete 7 rounds for time of:
5 Front squats, 60% of the 1RM done today
150m Shuttle sprint (out the door, along the front to the far curb and back)
The barbell for the front squats will start on the floor. A squat clean will count for the first rep and is strongly encouraged!
I subscribe to the theory that bacon makes anything and everything taste better. A while back our friend D Hampton brought a bottle of bacon-infused vodka to a pig roast. Word on the street was that it was nasty, but since I didn't taste it my theory stayed intact. Not long ago we were at a friend's house when the little gem pictured above was brought out. Now for those who might judge because beer doesn't fit into the typical CF nutritional guidelines, judge away, but when something like this is brought out you have to try it. At first glance things were looking good – pepto-pink bottle, little mapple leaves and pigs, a familiar looking star in the logo, and bacon. What could be bad? We poured out 4 glasses so we could all have a taste and before anything we took a hearty whiff. Pancakes. With syrup. That's what it smelled like. I didn't smell bacon. Sketchy. So we all took a slug. Then laughed about how strangely horrible it was.
Now, I think that the bacon theory still stands and here's why: I didn't really taste any bacon. Maybe if there was some bacon flavor, it would have been better, but there wasn't. It made me sad because I was excited. Bacon beer. Sounds good. So, if you're going to jump off the paleo waggon for a beer, don't try to make it a bacon beer because you think it might make it a small degree closer to being paleo. It's not, so grab a PBR or something!