Hang Clean
10 x 2 @ 65% 1RM. Rest 1:00 between sets.
For the hang today, have the bar start just below the knee.
Run 200m
40 – 30 – 20 – 10
Ball slams, 40#/30#
Box jumps, 24"/18"
Run 200m
This pic shows one of the 6 AM crew finishing their WOD with the rest of the crew cheering them on. Those how have finished aren't putting their stuff away, off in the corner stretching, or having a conversation outside. They're there for their friend. That's the good stuff.
For the month of Septmber Oly night will be at 7pm on Mondays. We didn't have one last week because of Labor Day. I know this post is last minute, but MindBody will show when oly night is before the month starts so you can plan! It's only a few months until the FRCF Weightlifting Championships. Come get your work in!