Tuesday 120724




Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

3 Muscle-ups

10 Slam balls, 40#/30#

10 Kettlebell swings, 70#/55#

50 Double-unders

Photo Jul 05, 6 23 25 PM
Jon V with a big seated box jump!

Today we have a little mobility programmed for the skill. You guys know by now that there's much more to it than just hitting the WODs. Nutrition, hydration, sleep, and recovery all play a role in reaching your full potential. Every now and again we put "mandatory mobility" in there to inspire you to get to know the rollers, lax balls, tee balls, and bands.

There's plenty of info out there on ways you can take care of your aches and pains, like K-Starr's Mobility WOD website. Here's what he has to say:

"This blog is intended as a jump off point for athletes to systematically begin to address their nasty tissues and grody joint mobility. Use at your own risk and stop if you think it's gonna hurt you, your spine is going to come out your throat, or your face goes numb. But, understand that you should be responsible for your own business. Don't wait until you need a new knee. Pony up."

Point is, you work your ass off everytime you walk through the door, and it can sometimes catch up with you. Give your body what it needs. Spend a little time before the WODs on your problem areas, and spend a little time after the WOD starting the recovery process. Your body will thank you!

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