Friday 120727


Overhead Squat

Work up to a 3RM in 20 minutes.


21 – 16 – 12 – 9 – 6

Overhead squat, 60% of 3RM established today


Photo Jun 28, 6 21 17 AM
David T running with the sunrise!

Alt run

We have some pretty cool news for you guys. Well at least we think it's cool! A new store has opened up in our neck of the woods called Altitude Running. They've moved into the old Foot of the Rockies space at Harmony and College. We were put in touch with these guys by our local Inov-8 rep. Many of you wear inov-8s, and many more have seen your friends wear them. This isn't meant to be a sales pitch for the shoes, but the reality is that they work great for what we do and many of you wear them. The downside is they're not a mainstream brand so you can't find them anywhere locally – until now. Altitude Running carries Inov-8s, which is cool. Inov-8 reached out to us to let us know because they know CrossFitters wear their stuff.

Last week I went in to meet Mike, the owner, and his folks and to check out the store. I was wearing Juli's PaleOMG shirt and one of the girls who works there started a conversation with me about paleo. As it turns out, she's on the paleo kick as well, had never heard of PaleOMG, and by the time I left she was checking out recipes on the computer. Point is, small, independently owned, local businesses are a dying breed and we need to stick together. When I walked in there, even though sneakers are their thing, they're like us in many ways, and I liked it.

So after I met with Mike, this is where we're at: Evolve athletes will get a 15% discount on Innov-8s at Altitude Running. They'll be stocking a couple of models, and you can order you what you want if they don't have it. They're also interested in our feedback on which ones work best for us, and will work to keep those in stock. You can get shoes that work well for what we do, save coin, and support a local business. Win-win.

To keep this legit, Mike and I have worked out a system to make sure that folks who aren't part of Evolve can't just walk in there and get a deal. You have to earn this one! With that, if you're ever interested, please let me know and I will give you a signed voucher saying you're an Evolve Athlete and entitling you to the price break. It may take a day or two to get you the voucher so please plan accordingly. We're really happy to have gotten this for you guys and we hope you are too. Please let us know if you have any questions!


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