Complete 5 rounds for max reps of:
Bench Press, body weight
Compare to 8/8/11 and 4/4/12
We received this email from Jeff and Staci after this Saturday's WOD. This is the stuff that makes us happier than you can imagine. A huge thanks to Donnie for fostering this environment during the WODs, and to every one of you who were there and showed one of our own as well as a visitor exactly what we're all about! Thank you for that!
Staci and I wanted to share a story with y'all about today (Saturday 6/23/12).
Staci and I recently met a girl at one of my SWAT dinners who happened to be a crossfitter from Las Vegas. Of course once we realized this connection, all we could talk about was Crossfit. She told us that she used to train at Crossfit Las Vagas, but since moving back to this area did not have a gym. Naturally, Staci and I told her of our love for Evolve and invited her in for a Saturday WOD.
Today she came in and partnered with Staci for one of our super fun Saturday Partner WODs. At the end of the ordeal, she and Staci had to complete 60 burpees! Everyone got to work on their burpees, but Staci and Susie had quite a few more then everyone else. In true Evolve form, the entire class, led by coach Donnie, cheered Staci and Susie on to finish their last burpees. With about 15 burpees left everyone joined in and did extra burpees to help these two finish strong! It was a wonderful thing to see and be a part of. Susie later told Staci and I that she loved her old box because they felt like family, but that she had never experienced what she did today where everyone was there cheering her on and actually getting to work with her to help her get through the end of the WOD! She was very impressed and we were very proud of our Evolve family!
I know you'll let the other coaches know, we just wanted to share this story with you.
Jeff and Staci Smith
What an awesome story! We do have great people & great coaches!
Gotta love the evolve family!!!
Awesome group of people!