Friday 120629

Powerlift Total

Back Squat, 1 rep

Bench Press, 1 rep

Deadlift, 1 rep

This will be performed just like the CF Total, where you'll work up to a 1RM of squat, followed by the bench, and finally the deadlift. Compare to 10/21/11.

Photo Jun 25, 10 46 14 AM
Jean proving that her powerlift total today will be legit!

A little somethin' from Gino:

Next 8 Weeks Of Programing:

We are getting ready to start another 8 weeks of programing. Like with every one before, it will have a focus and a purpose, and as athletes it is important to understand this. This program will have a large focus on strength in both the Power Lifts as well as the O lifts. We will start and finish the program with the Power Lift Total, so on these days, go hard so we can use your awesomeness as meter. Of course we will have plenty of hard hitting MetCons for your hungry appetites as well. No real crazy movements in this one, just good old fashion CrossFit.

I will be following the West Side approach but with some changes. Basically, during an 8 week period the dynamic efforts are broken out into 3 waves. During these waves they want the lifts to remain the same. Even though we had great success with this last time, we feel that the demand as CrossFitters needs more. As much as we study the great programing minds of the Power Lifting and Olympic Lifting world, we have to remember that they train for 1 rep. Now sometimes we have to perform just 1 rep, but often we have to do many. So, we have to take what we have learned and try to adapt it to what we need.

I have mixed up the lifts during the waves but the mixing will still be of lifts of similar types. Example would be back squat, front squat, overhead squat. I have also thrown in the O lifts a little more than I
did last time and mixed in some rep sequences that we have been trying that I think you will like.

The last thing that this program will address will be mental toughness, or as my football coach used to say “Intestinal Fortitude”.  I can’t really say too much about this but I will say that CrossFit prides itself on training for the unknowable. You will know it when it happens and all we ask is to be open to challenging yourself in a different way. This all came about after a few of us went to the Goal Setting
Seminar. From there it led me to look at some mental training techniques that some endurance coaches use. I truly hope you enjoy the next 8 weeks and we can’t wait to see what you achieve.

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