Wednesday 120502


Sumo deadlift

10 x 3 @ 65% 1RM

Rest :45 or less between sets


Complete for time:

100 Kettlebell swings, 70#/55#

Complete a 50m sprint for every rest taken

Photo Apr 30, 8 37 22 PM
The April PR board!

Below is a recipe from our friend Taylor. These things were absolutely delicious! As with most great cooks, Taylor warned me when I asked her for the recipe that the quantities listed are ball-park! Thanks for sharing with us T!

Photo Apr 28, 8 24 04 AM
Key Lime Protein Bars

Equal parts of dates and cashews (I typically start with 8 oz of each)
Unsweetened coconut to taste ( I probably use a little less that 1/4 cup)
1 1/2 -2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder
Place the dates and the cashews in the food processor and blend until chopped. Add protein powder and blend more. Finally, add the coconut. While the food processor is going, add juice of approx 1/2 a lime. Add lime until the mixture is sticky enough to make small protein patties. If the mixture does not stick add more lime. However, if you add too much they will become really greasy, so add slowly! ENJOY!

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