Rest Day! Good luck to those completing WOD 12.3 today! Get after it!
The first shipment of equipment for the box!
As always, this date sneaks up on us. March 11th. Today is the 2 year anniversary of the first official WOD at Evolve! The journey started over a year before that date, but this was the day that the doors were open and great things started happening. It seems like it wasn't long ago, and at the same time it feels like it was forever ago. Last year when this anniversary came up, it was really easy to remember the fear Gino and I had when we took this leap. We had not idea how it was going to go, but we figured what the hell, let's see what happens. I still vividly remember that feeling tonight, 2 years later.
It's amazing to see how far the box has come in 2 years, and it's even more amazing to see how far you all have come, whether you've been with us from the early days or if you've been with us only a short time. We're thankful that you guys have given us the trust to do what we do, and we feel blessed to have you all in our lives! We've got a great thing going over there at 4211 South Mason, and it's because of you!
We are working on plans to celebrate this event proper! We'll provide the details to you soon. In the meantime, thank you all for making Evolve what it is! Here's to another awesome year!
So glad you guys decided to take that leap of faith! Its been an honor to be part of such a great place, thanks to you and Gino and all the other coaches and athletes that make evolve what it is! And here’s to many many more years!
I still remember the fear I felt when (unbeknownst to me) Tyson committed me to being in the first foundations class. I couldn’t do a single pull-up, and I was terrified of completing a CrossFit workout. I’m still terrified of many CrossFit workouts, but I love what CrossFit has done for me physically and mentally, and I am grateful for what it’s done for my family. I’m also thankful for all of the friends we have in our lives from Evolve. The difference between Evolve and a globogym is huge, but it always makes me think of the “Cheers” theme song:
“Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
And they’re always glad you came;
You want to be where you can see,
Our troubles are all the same;
You want to go where everybody knows your name.”
Thanks to Gene, Jon, Sharla, Katie, and all of the other coaches and athletes at Evolve for making it what it is.
I second everything Dolly and Jill have said…
I can’t imagine my life without Evolve. You are “life savers” and “day makers!” I know CrossFit changes lives…but Evolve is someplace very special…so thank you and may many blessings come your way.
Cheers! Thanks for fronting this endeavor. Looking forward to many more years to come. You guys ROCK!
Here’s to many more years, wods, PRs and excitement in Evolve box.
It is great to hear all these comments, but we can’t say it enough, we owe it to you all. Everyone of you had the courage to walk through that door and not only take a chance on this thing we call CrossFit but you took a chance with us as well. That means the world to us. We always get great complements at comps and class from other athletes and owners. Some ask what we do or what’s the secret. We simply reply, “it’s nothing we do, it’s because we have great people.” So, thank you Evolve athletes and friends for a great 2 years and many more to come.
Congrats guys! You have a great gym – keep up the good work! 🙂
Shouldn’t we ( the athletes) be planning a party for you?! Especially after all Evolves dedication to the Open! Who’s wih me?!
It’s been great working out with you all, and being a member of the box since July of 2010. This box is very special, and I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work out with, and a better group of coaches to help us along!