Friday 120323


Inspired by the 2011 Turkey Challenge at MBS CrossFit:

3:00 Work up to a max turkish get up using a barbell

3:00 Max distance handstand walk

3:00 Max double-unders

For the TGU, you'll have the chance to get warmed up. You'll have 3 minutes to work up to your heaviest load. The bar needs to be placed back on the ground, it doesn't have to be a reverse TGU to put it down, but you can't drop it from the top.

For the handstand walk, athletes will work north to south. Score is total distance covered.

Photo Feb 21, 10 56 34 AM
Anna working the overhead squat!

From CrossFit Lisbeth:

Toss it.

Toss something today. No, not the barbell or a medicine ball or a kettlebell. (Although that is a lot of freakin’ fun.) I mean, throw something away. Get rid one thing in your life today that is weighing you down.

Something, anything. A pile of outdated magazines. An old grudge. Excessive punctuation. Free yourself of at least one thing today.

Now, don’t go crazy. “Honey, where are our wedding photos?’ “Those old things? Dumpster. Lisbeth said to get rid of something!” “And the couch?” “Didn’t you hear? K-Starr said sitting kills! Look at how much space we have in the living room! Let’s do Turkish Get-ups with the cat!”

Just look at your life and see where you can lighten up. In the gym, in the office, in your relationships. Just one thing, today. You’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel.

Like the closing paragraph here. Who needs that? Bye.

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