Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.
Check out the WOD 12.1 details here!
It's on! A couple of important things for you to keep in mind during the Open:
Open WODs will be offered on Thursday and Sunday (open competitors only this day). Be sure to make one of those days. Please sign up in MBO!
Please be sure to review the written ROM standards and watch the video describing each workout prior to coming in. These will be linked under the WOD on the Evolve page and can also be found on the CrossFit Games Site.
Once you complete the WOD, your judge will give you a card with your score. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY TO ENTER YOUR SCORE. We can't do this for you. Once you enter it, we will validate it on our end. In order to enter your score, simply Login to the games site. On the right hand side under the WORKOUTS header there's a link titled "Submit Workout 12.x Score". Easy!
Your workout score must be submitted by 6pm Colorado time each Sunday. Don't wait until the last minute…submit it as soon as you can following your WOD so we have time to validate it!
Remember, although this is a competition, this should be fun! Go into it with a positive attidude, have a good time, and go after it!