Friday 111202


Hanging KB Bench Press

Work up to a 5RM


Complete an alternating ladder for reps:

1st minute, 1 ring dip

2nd minute, 2 pull-ups

3rd minute, 3 ring dips

4th minute, 4 pull-ups

Continue the ladder for as long as you are able. If you fail at a particular movement, continue with the other. For example, if during minute 7 you don't finish your 7 ring dips, hit the 8 pull-ups during minute 8. Then do 9 pull-ups during minute 9, 10 pull-ups during minute 10, etc until you are unable to complete the reps!

PR board
Full PR Board = happy coaches AND athletes!

We have two more weeks before we finish up this program which had a significant strength component. So what do you think? I'll tell you what we think! The goal of this wave of programming was pretty straight-forward: get stronger. We hit varying lengths of metcons as always, but we threw in a very specific strength component coupled with some skill days, which we know were odd for some of you. On Wednesday we worked up to a 1RM deadlift, which was one of the movements we aimed to improve at. Somebody did the math at the end of the day and figured out that 63% of the Evolve athletes who pulled that day PRd on their deadlift! That is simply amazing! And many of you didn't just PR, you had a significant increase compared to your previous PR. That makes us really, really happy! You guys came in and got your work done and now you're reaping the benefits of all of that hard work. Well done you guys, we're super proud of all of you. Keep it up for these last two weeks knowing that what you're doing is working!


4 thoughts on “Friday 111202”

  1. Yay…nice looking board! My favorite is:”Little Gino lifts Jace onto PT table!” Lil Gino demos functional fitness!!

  2. I’m quite sure that autism is a genetic disability. It may have environmental triggers, but nobody has really identified what those triggers might be. But beyond that, nobody knows what’s going on. The scientists can’t identify which genes are the autistic genes, because there are probably different genes or different combination of genes that lead to autism. Actually, autism may not be one particular thing at all.

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