Reverse hyper
10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
Wall climbs
Stick jumps, 30"/24"
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Don't worry, it's totally paleo because he's grass fed – grass finished!
Get your costume ready because at Saturday's WOD we'll be celebrating Halloween! WOD starts at 9am so get those creative juices flowing and put something together. Considerations: when you sweat, will it run into your eyes and burn? If there are rope climbs, is there a chance your costume will get youstuck half way up? Can you handle a 30 minute AMRAP breathing through a full face rubber mask? Can you clean and jerk in stiletto heels? These are all important things for you to keep in mind! Let's see what you got!
Darn stick jumps……..maybe I’ll be better at them this time. I hope I go over the stick more times than into it. 🙂
Can you guys tell that it was a little chilly out that morning?….