Monday 111024


Box Squat: work up to a 3 rep max

Good mornings: 3 x 20, 75#/55#


Complete 3 rounds for time of:

10 strict pull-ups

20 Deadlift, 135#/95#

30 Sit-ups

Some guys are just born to wear hot pink!

So, we start an 8 week program with a focus on powerlifting! Some might be excited and some might be concerned. Both sides are right! It is exciting to be strong and it can be concerning just how strong you can actually be! We will have a focus on strength this coming 8 weeks but we will still be doing metcons as well. At the powerlifting cert they described strength as a cup. This cup holds all your skills. With Crossfit we have so many skills that we have to maintain for so many reps or for a given time, that the cup can over flow. If you lose your strength, you are dead in the water. With this programing our focus is to make your cup bigger. I think that we all can remember a time when we "lost it" in a WOD. 

I saw the importance of strength in 2009. When Crossfit first started the lighter more athletic athletes, like the Fitzgerald brothers, dominated. At the 2009 regionals, one of the WODs was a set time to get a max snatch and then as many muscle ups as possible. I thought that this was a very balanced WOD. The big strong guys and gals would throw a big snatch and probably struggle with the muscle ups, and the lighter athletes would get what they could on the snatch and crush the muscle ups. The exact opposite happened. The big and strong athletes not only threw up big weights in the snatch but also crushed the muscle ups. They had strength. Watching the games, these athletes are not only skillful but they are also strong. The tides are changing.

We have the Crossfit Open coming in February so we felt that this was great timing. We can hit and develop strength for 8 weeks and maintain this going into the games. The techniques and movements that you will learn will be all new. We will have a lot to get done in some of the hour classes so we will need people to be on time and ready to work and have fast rotations. On the "Dynamic" days, you will be working at 55-65% of your 1 rep max. It will be tempting to "coast" on these days. These are the days that we will need you to bring your best. The concept with the WestSide system on these days is that with less resistance you should and need to produce a force 10% greater that your max effort. The reason is that you don't have the resistance that you would have at a maximum weight. Bottom line, be prepared to work on these strength days.

You have seen all the new equipment that has been coming in. I hope that you are excited because we know that we are. Lets get strong!

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