Wednesday 110928


Kipping pull-ups



Complete 3 rounds for time of:

Run 400m

21 Kettlebell swings, 55#/35#

12 Pull-ups

Compare to 4/19/10, 8/4/10, 6/13/11

 Last year's Barbells for Boobs crew. And yes, that is a gigantic boob in the middle.

We had several people ask about this year's Barbells for Boobs! Once again we will be hosting this event. It will go down on Saturday, October 22nd. As last year, the WOD will be:

Grace: 30 Clean and Jerks for time, 135#/95#

And as always, the movements and loads are completely scaleable! So you want to particpate? Here's what to do:

1. Click on the B4B banner on the right.

2. Click the "Register" tab on the upper right of the webpage.

3. Put "CrossFit Evolve" in the search bar.

4. Click the "Register Now" on the right.

5. Click "Register Now" at bottom.

6. Click "View Cart"

7. Select the quantity of the amount you want to donate then click "continue to registration page"

8. Fill out your information. Then hit "Confirm".

9. Enter your payment info.

Now you're ready to go! Anyone who was there last year will tell you that this is a powerful event. We aksed everyone who has been touched by  breast cancer to put the name of that person on the board. By the end of the day that board was full. Please consider coming out to support this great casue. See you there!

8 thoughts on “Wednesday 110928”

  1. It hit me right after I posted my comment that the WODs are at 9am on Saturdays, so we might be able to rush through it and get to the game on time!

  2. I have a feeling my future first wife will not appreciate it if I did this during our honeymoon even if it is in the noble name of boobs.

  3. I am speechless Gino! Nathan, maybe if you approach your future and “only” wife it might go over a little better. Maybe, you have an arrangement set up though.

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