Saturday 110910

Teamwork Saturday!

In teams of two complete the following for time:


21 – 15 – 9

Thrusters, 95#/65#



30 Snatch, 135#/95#

One team member will perform Fran, the other Isabel. Your choice! Once the last pull-up is completed for Fran, the other team member will do Isabel. Time stops on when the 30th snatch is complete!

Brandi rockin the thrusters!

2 thoughts on “Saturday 110910”

  1. Hey CF Evolve!
    Thanks for letting me join in on the killer 343 WOD today– Rx’d all but subbed squat thrusts for burpees. Or maybe I was just throwing myself on the floor at that point, I can’t be sure.
    At my gym back home in Brooklyn today they’re wrapping up a “subway series” with gyms in Queens and Brooklyn by doing Fran, so I thought it’d be funny if I did Fran here. But the 343 was an equally butt-kicking alternative.
    Great to meet you all, great work and if you’re ever in New York, come check out CrossFit South Brooklyn!

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