Friday 110715





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1RM Fridays are the best!

Anna getting some KB work in!

As many Evolvers contemplate jumping into the Wild West Relay August 12-13th, many are wondering if the training they've been doing has them prepared for such an event. The legs will average just over 5 miles each, and of course there's the elevation change. But when you want to run a race you have to put in a bunch of miles, right? Runners World has a ton of training programs on their website that give you everything you need. Run x-may miles week 1, more week 2, etc. until you're tapering for the race. That's the only way to do it, right?

Check out this stat that Katie shared with me:

“Among recreational runners who are training steadily and participate in a long distance run every now and then, they yearly incidence rate for injuries is 56%.”       

Van Mechelen, 1992. Running injuries: The review of the epidemiological literature, sports medicine 14:320-35.

How many of you guys have been plagued by injuries training for a race? I know I have! Ever think there could be a different way, a better way to prepare for a race? Many of you have heard of Brian MacKenzie of CrossFit Endurance fame. He also runs his own blog called I Am UnScared. CFE's premise is that you can use a combination of CrossFit WODs and high intensity specialized work rather than the traditional LSD - Long Slow Distance model of training. That is, train with intensity and purpose rather than pouring on the miles week after week after week. Turns out this model of training is catching on. Both Competitor Magazine and Triathlete Magazine have had stories on streamlining your training by implementing CFE philosophies. 

Spend a little time checking out CFE's site and Brian's blog. There's a ton of information on there! By continuing your WODs and adding some specialized work on the track and some moderate distance runs, the Wild West Relay is totally within your reach!

1 thought on “Friday 110715”

  1. CFE and the training schedules they do are highly recommended!
    When I trained for my first marathon I threw most of the conventional running schedules out the window and stuck to their interval training, with a one week long run to get accustomed to the distances I would have to do. I was thrilled with the time I was able to put down, and was able to go into the race without any injuries.

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