Saturday 110625

Saturday Teamwork WOD!

Divided into 3 teams, complete the following:

Row 750m

40 box jumps, 24"/18"

30 Pull-ups

20 Deadlifts, 225#/175#

10 Ring dips

Run 800m

The first person on each team will begin the row. When that person is done, the next person will row, and so on. This pattern continues, in order, through all of the movements. No athlete can begin the next station until the athlete ahead of them is clear from that station.


Good luck to the CrossFit Evolve Tough Mudder Team! Above is the video from the SoCal event. 7000 feet? Whatever! Here's to mud and fun at 10,000 feet!!!!

6 thoughts on “Saturday 110625”

  1. Go out, have a blast and kick some ass;). So sad to miss it but I can’t wait to hear all about it!!! You all are amazing!!!

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