Saturday 110618

Saturday Teamwork!

In teams of 3 people each, each team will complete:

Row 1000m

Run to Horsetooth and College and touch the light pole and back (teams can pick any route they want)

3 wheelbarrow lengths of the gym (each person will be the wheelbarrow for one length)

Squat snatch ladder – Each member will  perform one lift at each weight. If a team member can't lift a weight another member can do an extra lift as long as the team gets 3 lifts at each weight. Sore will be the highest weight with three lifts.

Men: 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#, 105#, 115# 135#

Women: 35#, 45#, 55#, 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#

6 rope climbs

Matty V says his orange shoes came with a guaranteed 21 second reduction in his 400m!

Here's some carb talk by Gino:

Who loves carbs? I do, I do! I grew up in an Italian family so carbs were the staple of our existence along with alcohol, long wavy back hair (that's right BACK hair not BLACK hair), and being hot headed. I can't do much about the back hair, Shar cooled my head down and I still love carbs, but now in a different way. We need carbs and they are very important for our overall heath. The Zone diet wants 40% of our diet to be just that. However it is a love hate relationship. Picking carbs to eat is like picking friends to hang out with. We tell our kids to be careful of whom they hang out with. Pick your friends wisely, right! Good friends (vegetables and fruits) are grounded in their morals and have a positive influence on our lives. Bad friends (grains and sugar) may seem cool at first but may cause us to do things that we normally wouldn't which eventually leads to trouble and unneeded pressure in our lives.

Excessive unfavorable carbs (breads, grains, sugars ect.) Put a ton of pressure on our bodies. The government likes to tell us that grains are good for us. The reason they do is that they are cheap to produce and they can be stored for a long time. They do have good nutrients, but the same characteristics that allow them to have a long shelf life are the same reasons why they over stress our bodies. Real food is meant to spoil. Foods that spoil quickly are also foods that our bodies can use quickly.

For years doctors believed that the cause of hypertension, hypertriglyceridema, hyperinsulinemia, and abdominal fat were caused by obesity. There answer was to take these obese individuals and force them to loose weight thinking that the other health problems would go away. The exact opposite happened. All the problems got worse.

Dr. Kaplan in the 70's realized that they had this all wrong. He believed that what was causing the health issues was hyperinsulinema. This is a condition in which there are excess levels of circulating insulin in the blood. Also known as pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, and syndrome X.

When he controlled the levels of insulin in these obese patients he found that all the problems went away including their obesity.

As stated in an earlier post, when we eat carbs (any type) the hormone insulin is released. Insulin only has one job and that is to "STORE". This is a natural process and we need this process but we must keep it under control. Type 2 diabetes or adult onset diabetes is not something that we are born with, we GIVE IT TO OUR SELVES, and we are seeing it occur in people at younger ages. This is insulin restance.Our bodies still produce insulin but the receptors are no longer receptive to insulin do to years of high insulin levels. They are tired. These patients are either put on insulin as a medication to increase their levels and to increase the receptors sensitivity to the hormone or they are given glucagon. Glucagon is the hormone that is released when we eat protein. Glucagon works both ways. It helps insulin do its job by assisting the facilitation of energy to be stored into cells, but it also helps release energy from the cell when we need it (like doing Murph).

So, what does this mean? We need to choose lower glycemic carbs (veggies and fruit) that don't cause a large insulin response in our bodies. I think we have all experienced fatigue after a large meal. You are tired because you body is working overtime to process all that energy that you just dumped into it. Our bodies are great machines, the best ever made, and they will compensate for this, however, only for so long. After a while it will break us down and make us ill.

So, pick your carbs wisely just as you do your friends. The good ones will take care of you and share a long life with you!!!!!!

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