Friday 110520





21 – 15 – 9

Overhead Squat, 95#/65#


Wendy and David getting their ring dips in!

Consistencyis an important component of anything we're trying to get better at. This holds true with CrossFit as well. If we want to improve, we have to be consistent. There are many degrees of consistencyin CrossFit.

First, are you consistently coming to the gym? If not, why not! Whether your goal is improved fitness, to shed a few pounds, to stay healthy, to pass the CPAT, or to smoke your previous Fran time, if you're not regularly coming through the door, there's no way you can reach your goal. It's easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day grind, but if your personal goals are a priority, getting into the box needs to be a priority as well.

Second, if you have a weakness or something you want to get better at, are your practicing it consistently? Are double-unders part of your daily warm-up? Are you getting on the bar and practicing that kip for a few minutes after your WODs? Much of what we do are high-skill movements. We improve at these movements with practice and that practice needs to be consistent. If you are having a hard time with handstand push-ups, it's very difficulty to improve if your only practice comes when they show up in a WOD.

Finally, are you consistent when performing a given movement? Are you hitting your cues every time? This can be really difficult, and there is always room for improvement. Again, this comes with practice. As you work on getting better at a difficult movement, strive for perfection on every rep. Listen to your coaches and hit your cues. Watch other athletes perform the movement and learn from what they're doing. This part takes time, but it's time well spent!

It can be tough to be consistent for sure, but it's a critical part of achieving your goals!

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