Friday 110408





For time run: 

800m forward

400m backward

800m forward

400m backward

Compare to 100518, 100917



This video is not CrossFit, but it is awesome and relates to putting your fitness to use (see below)!

Today I found myself without kids and a chunck of time in the afternoon with no responsibilities. Rather than scratch a few things off of the old to-do list, I decided to head for the hills and get in the first mountain bike ride of the season. I love riding with friends. Just like CrossFit, it's much better when you play with others. But sometimes, going solo is a great deal, which is what I did today. It's like therapy to be out there in the early afternoon during the week. No one else is riding, the trail is yours, and you have plenty of time to think.

I realized that I missed getting on my bike over the last several months, and made a promise that I would make it a point to get out and ride more. What more is, I don't know, but it will be more than once in a while. My thoughts turned to how good I felt riding. Although my bike muscles felt it a little bit, which would be expected after a long hiatus from any activity, I felt solid. I saw this as an example of what CF is about – training for life. Made me happy that I could get out there and ride miles without thinking twice.

Then I started thinking about you guys and all the stuff you do outside of the box. We have tons of people training for the Colorado Marathon/Half-Marathon/10K/5K, we have a guy who regularly runs more miles than any of us even want to drive, we have a buddy who just got back from a week of climbing in Moab, a couple of athletes who went ice climbing this winter, a handful of folks doing the Tough Mudder (if you aren't signed up yet, why not!), a whole CrossFittin' softball team, snowboarders, skiiers, golfers, several triathletes, an ultimate frisbee guru (who I hope is back for an ultimate frisbee Saturday WOD this year), some fellas who throw down some Brazilian jiu-jitsu, the list goes on and on.

So with that, now that the weather is nice and the Open is half way done, what will you use your elite fitness for this summer? The comments have been quiet lately, let's hear what you've got! At the end of my ride today I passed a fellow Evolve athlete putting his fitness to the test on the trail as well. Awesome!

13 thoughts on “Friday 110408”

  1. Crossfit is what gave me the courage to face my fears of the snow mountain. I tore my ACL skiing a few years back and vowed to never do a year of rehab like that again. What I’ve learned in Crossfit is to address my fears, block the garbage in my head that says I can’t and turn it into I will. Snow boarding has been an awesome gift this year that I’ve given myself and my family. This summer looks like some big bike rides (hoping to hang with my friend Ellen, for a change) and lookin’ good by the pool. (I’d be liar to say that isn’t part of it.:))

  2. This summer I’ll be in a canyon floating down a river. This time of year it’s hard to wait for the snow to melt.

  3. I can’t wait to get back on my mountain bike, but I may not be quite ready to hang up the skis and snowboard. This summer should be full of biking, hiking, and water skiing!

  4. This summer I plan on doing quite a bit of white water kayaking down the poudre and Rock climbing. I will definitely throw in some mountain bike runs and will be participating in the Urban Assault and Tough Mudder which should be lots of fun. I like what Wendy said, “and Looking good by the Pool”. I’ll take some of that too.

  5. Ok, I will start researching 14ers and we can plan a trip for late July/Aug depending on how hot it is and how fast the snow melts on the mtns. Yeah! I love hiking!!

  6. Rugby.3 year hiatus. After 16 years on the field. I admit. I cried when I made that choice. Ask Jenn. It sucked. I think it is time to terrorize the rugby field.

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