Thursday 110324


High ring work


50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10

Double unders

Ball slams, 20#/14#

Daphne, one of Evolve's new athletes! Welcome Daphne!

Matt posted the video below on yesterday's discussion board. It was cool to see that video since we were doing that WOD, but as I watched Spealler talk, there was much more to it than watching some fantastic athletes throw down. The first thing was when we was talking about Fran, specifically when you get below 3:00, it's no longer about strength, "it's about your go." This applies to much of what we do in CrossFit. Who's been in the middle of a couplet WOD with a body weight movement and a barbell movement using a weight that for you is totally manageable, but you're getting crushed by it, you can't seem to breathe, and you can manage only a rep at a time? I bet everyone reading this is nodding their head because we've all been there. It's not about being strong enough, it's about making yourself go. Easier said than done, to be sure, but that's where Speal's next point comes in.

He's asked how he trains the mental aspect of CrossFit. His response: "Go there unfortunately. Put yourself there….I think it's where most people panic, where most people freak out, because their heart rate's jacked and it's really uncomfortable but I think in the midst of that you need to mentally stay calm and just kind of hide from that because it's temporary." Damn. It's tough to go there. It can take a long time before you can let yourself go to that dark place, but you can. And that's where the breakthroughs happen. That's where the good stuff is. And when it's all over, it all makes sense.

So the next time you're throwing down, try letting yourself go there. It's can be kind of scary, and it does not feel good (until you're done anyway), but it will change everything for you!



2 thoughts on “Thursday 110324”

  1. 13:15, f’d up my shins, need to concentrate on lnidang form? have will/nicole check out my form next time. Anterior Tibialis crisis averted through 90 minutes of stretching, icing, rolling pin-ing, and compression belts. boo yah.

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