Monday 110124


Filthy Fifty!

For time:

50 Box jump, 24"/18"

50 Jumping pull-ups

50 Kettlebell swings, 35#/25#

Walking Lunge, 50 steps

50 Knees to elbows

50 Push press, 45#/30#

50 Superman

50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

50 Burpees

50 Double unders

KBs in the sun….and wind!

When you train as athletes, which is what you do when you CrossFit, your body sometimes suffers. There are aches and pains, general soreness, and the occasional strain or sprain. Most of the time we just deal with it. Sometimes we even rest it, but usually not as much as we should! Eventually, it usually gets better. But sometimes what started as a minor ache or pain can become a recurring issue. This can impact our performance, and in worst-case instances, it can impact our day-to-day life and our general well-being. We want to try to keep those minor aches in pains in check!

With that, we have a great opportunity to help you with these issues. Our good friend Nader Jabbour, who is not only a firefighter but a physical therapist as well, will be available to Evolve athletes to help with some of these issues. Nader will hit each WOD time 2 times per month and will be available during the first half-hour (during WU and skill/strength) for your questions. If you have some sort of pain or injury, Nader will give you the opportunity to have a PT diagnose it. He will be able to provide some suggestions as to how to remedy the issue as well. That will be the extent of Nader's services. If it appears to be an issue out of the scope of what we're trying to do here, you may be referred to your doctor.

This will be the general framework of how this will go. Since we haven't done anything like this before, there will certainly be bumps in the road, so please be flexible. Realize that if 10 athletes are lined up to talk to Nader, there obviously would not be an opportunity for everyone to visit with him at that time. If this is the case, the coach running the WOD will have to perform a "triage" of who's got what to determine who will go first. We know this goes without saying, but please be respectful of Nader's time. He's doing us a huge service, but is going to be limited to the first 30 minutes of the WOD time. Also, you may see Nader in to get his own WOD in – please, please, please – don't line up and ask for his expertise when he's working out!

Please welcome Nader to our family. We believe this will be a huge asset to the Evolve community and will help all of you athletes become better. Let us know if you have any questions! Below is Nader's bio:

Hi there, my name is Nader. I have the privilege of working with Gene, Jon, and Tyson as a firefighter for PFA here in Fort Collins. Though I have been a part of the fire service for a short period of time, it was my passion for this career that lead me to CrossFit. My goal was to become as physically fit as possible to prepare for this new job and specifically, the physical agility test you must pass to apply.  I thought having a bachelor’s degree in Health and Exercise Science from CSU, a doctorate of physical therapy, and a good background in athletics I would be able to train myself without too much difficulty. Needless to say CrossFit was a humbling experience, but very much a rewarding and challenging one to this day. I am honored and excited to join the team at Evolve and offer my skills to help the athletes achieve their fitness goals as safely as possible.  What makes this gym special is not the facility, but the people. I can tell you first hand that this is a group of coaches that are dedicated to the complete well being of their athletes. Their understanding of biomechanics, functional training, anatomy, kinesiology and the concept of individualizing a training program based on the athlete’s needs, skill level and goals blows me away.  To me this is more than joining a gym; it’s more like joining a family and community and I am honored to be a part of it.

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