Monday 110117


Gasoline (From CrossFit New England

7 rounds for time of:

5 handstand push-ups

10 deadlifts, 185#/135#

10 pull-ups (chest to bar)

20 double-unders

Ceci, all smiles all the time!

From CrossFit Aspire (

If someone asked you today “Who are you?”, what would you say?

Would you say that you are a devoted spouse, a loving child, a motivated employee, an exceptional parent, a good friend?

Would you say that you are an athlete?

It might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but it’s certainly true. Why? Because…

Athletes have focused goals.

Athletes have teammates and camraderie.

Athletes train hard, even when they don’t feel like it.

Athletes sometimes feel sore, broken down, and come back for more.

Athletes don’t make excuses.

Athletes compete against one another, and against themselves.

Athletes track their progress.

Athletes have coaches to guide and correct them.

Athletes understand what they are doing, and why they are doing it.

Athletes know the value of nutrition, recovery and sleep.

Athletes have an emotional connection to their sport; they feel anxious, scared, excited, happy, proud and sometimes defeated.

Athletes (the good ones) try their hardest at every practice and in every game.

Athletes are never satisfied. They can always be stronger, faster, better.

You are an athlete.

CrossFit is your sport.

3 thoughts on “Monday 110117”

  1. I have been watching a video of some CF Santa Cruz girls just about everyday and about halfway thru this WOD I realized THIS was the WOD they were doing!! I was so excited I was doing it too….with scaling haha, but still 🙂

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