5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 thrusters, 135#/95#
Run 200m
Kevin rocking the TGU with an oly bar!
There was some great discussion on the board regarding full WODs, waitlists, and late cancells. Thanks for all the input, both via email and on the board. We love getting your feedback. As we posted the other day, there's been a trend of people signing up for WODs and then cancelling. The time in between when folks sign up and when they cancel, the WOD often shows as full. So we have the waitlist, people put their names on that, and when someone cancels, the next person on the waitlist is signed up for the WOD. We've had the waitlist 3 deep on some days. And on those days, all 3 folks got into the WOD. So, 3 people signed up and later canceled. Everyone on the list got in. To us, the system worked just as it is supposed to.
We evaluate the number of athletes we have and how full the WODs are every day. In order to get it right, we look not at how many people initially sign up, but at how many people show up. We only know of 1 instance since we've been open where an athlete was shut out of a WOD while being on the waitlist. And in that instance, someone didn't cancel and was a no-show, so the person should have gotten in. What this means, as we posted on Sunday, is that every athlete needs to be heads-up on signing up for WODs only if they plan on attending, and promptly canceling from WODs as early as possible if you're not going to make it in. Our feeling is that canceling from a WOD should be the exception rather than the norm. Sign up for the ones you're going to come to and then get in here and hit it hard! Wednesday we had 6 people no-show – this is no bueno!
We're working hard to make sure you guys are getting what you need. There is plenty of room for you guys in the WODs. The MindBody schedule isn't always telling the entire story when you see it, so fear not! Thanks for all the suggestions, keep 'em coming because it's how we get better!