Thursday 101230



3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3

Establish your new 3 rep max


For time:

100 overhead squats, 95#/65#

Kendra USED TO SAY she was no good at TKUs – not now!

The other day I was on duty and instead of a WOD I was going to do some much-needed strength work. Before I started I found out that a day earlier Gino and Tyson had done the hero WOD from the mainpage  called "The Bull". I had seen it, and thought damn that is a brutal WOD, then I must have blocked it out because I hadn't considered doing it this day. That is until I found out my brothers had done it. I re-evaluated my plan for the day and it was on.

We've said it plenty of times: if the thought of a WOD doesn't make you nervous, then you may not be doing them right. Well "The Bull" made me down right nauseous. For those that didn't see it, here it is:

2 rounds for time of:

200 double unders

50 overhead squats, 135#

50 pull-ups

1 mile run

1 round of this thing would be enough, 2 rounds is just plain mean. But as JB says – "It's a hero WOD. They went all out for us, so we go all out for them." Sh*t! As I'm getting warmed up, I come to terms with the double unders and the pull-ups. I look at the mile run and am thankful for it because I'm cool with running. But I just couldn't get my head around those overhead squats. 135# is moderately heavy. But 50 of them? Twice? I built it up in my head. My back is sore. My shoulder has been aching for a month. Is that hamstring tight?

As I start the WOD things are going great. I break my PR for consecutive double unders. It was 3 in a row. Just kidding, but you all know by now that I suck at them so I was pretty happy at this point. Then I hit the squats. I did OK with them, broke them up kind of like I planned, but you know how plans go. I was content with that round of them, but instead of looking towards the pull-ups, my thought was that these squats will kill me during the next round. Self fulfilling prophecy.

I get through the rest of the round and into the double unders of Round 2. Remember, I suck at DUs, so as I finish them, I'm 30+ minutes in, and I'm now wrecked. The DU's felt like they took forever. Everytime the tones in the station go off I'm hoping it's for us, not because I want to go on a call but because I want to quit this WOD. I get to round 2 of the overhead squats and it takes all I have to snatch the bar that first time. I work through each rep, but I'm only getting a handful at a time, and I'm resting way too long between attempts. I step to the bar around rep 28, snatch it overhead, think to myself "do I feel dizzy?" and immediately drop the bar without a single squat. WTF is happening? This is bullsh*t! What are you doing?! I have a nice, pleasent conversation with myself at this point. It was out loud, so luckily nobody was around. Had some choice words – motivation, self depreciation, whatever you want to call it. Used all the inspiring four-letter words I could muster, and wished one of the fellow coaches was there to call me out. Then I picked up the bar and finished.

The rest of the WOD was punishing, make no mistake, but was downhill after those f'in overhead squats. Several hours of recovery and self reflection revealed something. We've all heard that the greatest adaptation to CrossFit is between the ears. This WOD was another perfect example for me. Why? Because the last attempts of overhead squats during Round 2, which took 2 sets of work, were equal to the number of sets and reps of overhead squats at the beginning of Round 1. Yes, I still had plenty in the tank. Problem was I built it up so much in my head that I had no chance. It was all a mind game, and I was loosing for a good portion of that fight. At the end, after my personal motivational speech, I finished as strong as I had started.

I share this experience for 2 reasons. First, some of you may look at today's WOD and think "no way." Get your positive self-talk on and crush it. Don't go where I went because you've got so much more than you might think. Second, everyone who CrossFits has their tough times. You guys, your coaches, the folks you see doing the WODs on the main page. Everyone. But we fight through it, and we get stronger, and when we finish we say "hell yeah!" So go get some today!

15 thoughts on “Thursday 101230”

  1. Nice post jon. Thanks for sharing.It is nice to know that it does not matter how long you have been a crossfitter, the nerves and mental game still play a huge role. It is a mental game as much as a physical game everytime I walk into the box. I am just praying that tomorrow is a good mental day as it will need to be in order to get through 100 reps. Way to leave 2010 behind with 100 overhead squats. Good Luck everyone!!!

  2. I feel you pain!! I also did ‘Bull’.. holy crap. Crushed me. The hardest for me was the running for some reason.. just could not breath. But was such a long feel good WOD! I think everyone should do this one!! Just get threw it is the goal here! 🙂 Enjoy th OHS’s!

  3. Great post jon….but I couldn’t help but get nervous while reading it because now that I know you, gene, and tyson have done it, that now means that I have to do it….whos with me?

  4. Anatomy of a Meltdown, by Crossfitter X.
    Perfect writeup, and nice recovery, Coach. I don’t expect to never go to that “can’t” place, I just hope to always be able to push through it and keep going!

  5. Awesome post Jon. I hear ya. I told Tyson that WOD slapped me in the face hard. Later that night we were discussing the meaning of humility and that WOD came up. It was a humbling experiance. Experiances like that ground us and make us better, it you allow it to. Proud of you for doing that WOD man, I owed you. I can’t tell you how many tmes I had something planned for a WOD to find out you did some crazy thing and I have to abort my plans as well. I love it!

  6. Couple of things……Ryan-the pistol video is great and I was thinking that I should practice them more often. Could get out of my desk at work and rep them out! I really wanted to tell that guy to stop touching his pants though….LOL.
    Next thing…..I watched the youtube on pool jumps. Coaches–we need a pool this summer to do water work! I’m a swimmer by trade and would LOVE that……..just sayin’

  7. No, we wanted to do that this past summer. Kendra is a swimming coach and wanted to lead a swimming WOD as well. I contacted Epic to see if we could pay and use their pool and never heard back from them. We would love to do that for a Sat WOD. If you or Kendra want to work to set that up, that would be fine or I can try and contact hem again. Let me know.

  8. hahahahaha—Ryan! That video was too funny. Hope that guy was ok….and no not quite like that pool jump. I wonder who has a pool in their neighborhood????

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