Clean and Jerk Day
Perfect Grace
As we did with Isabel on Tuesday, today we'll do Perfect Grace. We'll start with the Burgener WU, the skill transfer for the jerk, and get some practice reps in. Then we'll do this version of Grace. Grace is prescribed as 30 clean and jerks at 135# for time. There will be no clock today. Instead you'll focus on form, making each rep as perfect as you can. Throw a little weight on there and hit your cues!
Katie and Shar, the wives behind Evolve. Thanks for the great year ladies!!!
As we wrap up 2010, we have to first thank all of you for making this a great year for us. To say Evolve's first year has been amazing would be an understatement. We can't say enough how much we appreciate you guys for taking a chance on us, and we hope the last year of CrossFit Evolve has been as good for you as it has for us!
Since it's New Years Eve, tradition tells us it's time for those resolutions. Maybe you make your own, I'm sure you've all heard some from friends and family. And the majority of those typically involve loosing weight, getting fit, working out, or something similar. Well you guys have already made that commitment and you follow through every time you set foot in the box, so you don't need to jump on that train!
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have some goals for 2011. Goals are good, they give you something to shoot for. So with that, we'd like to offer some suggestions for your 2011 goal setting.
First, make sure the goal is something you really want. Just because it sounds good when you tell someone about it doesn't make it right for you. If your heart isn't in it, it will be very difficult to achieve.
Second, be as specific as you can. For example, rather than saying "I want to squat more," put a specific weight to it. That way you (with your coaches' help of course) can come up with a plan to get you there. Rather than saying "I need to loose some weight" how about something along the lines of 60 days of strict zone? It's much easier to attain those specifics. When the goals are vague, how do you know if you've reached them?
Next, right them down. Hang it on the fridgeor tape it in the front of your WOD journal so you see it every day. It will help keep you focused and remind you what you're working towards.
Finally, tell someone who will keep you accountable. You know, someone who will keep you in check and remind you what you're after. Someone who won't sugar-coat the truth when you need to hear it. Know what, I know a place full of friends who would do that for you! If you've got a goal for 2011, post to comments. Your CrossFit friends and coaches will help you get what you're after!
We hope you and your families have a happy and prosperous 2011!!!