Friday 101210


Clean and Jerk Pogression


The new Lift PR board!

At the Turkey Challenge at MBS last month, David T. came down to support Wendy  and the other athletes from Evolve. While he was there, he noticed that MBS had a board that had everyone's PRs for a variety of lifts in once place. David thought this would be a great thing to have at Evolve so athletes and coaches alike could take a look at the board and 1. know the loads they moved the last time they did a lift and 2. maybe there would be some discrepancies with a lift or 2 that would be readily apparent with all the lifts and loads posted together in one spot. So David came home and went to work designing Evolve's new Lift PR board pictured above.

Here's how it will work: you guys will be responsible for maintaining it, just like the monthly PR board. Throw your name up there, fill in the loads under the appropriate lifts, and go from there. When you set a new PR, go ahead and update your spot on the board. We think this will be a really useful tool. So when you get a chance in the coming days, grab your logs and start filling in the numbers.

It's ideas like this that keep our box moving forward. Thanks to David's initiative and creativity, we got better today. Thanks for that David, we know it took a lot of time to make that board look as good as it does, and we appreciate it!

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