Tuesday 101019


Max box jump! Bring your ups today!!!


5 rounds for time of:

Run 200m

20 overhead squats, 95#/65#


Mark your calendars! On Saturday November 6th and Sunday November 7th Emerfit will be hosting their 2nd Emerfit Games. This will be a great opportunity for you to try your hand at CrossFit-games style events right in our own back yard. Emerfit has asked some local affiliates, inlcuding Evolve, to be a part of this event. Some of your coaches will be judging, and we'll also be contributing a WOD for the competition. Great times should be had by all.

Cost is $40 and inlcudes a t-shirt. You can register at MindBody here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/adm/home.asp?studioid=4294 and go to the Workshop tab!

7 thoughts on “Tuesday 101019”

  1. I told Chris I would enjoy volunteering for this event! This would be a great opportunity for a lot of our athletes to get the feel of competition under their belts!

  2. This has absolutely nothing to do with the post….BUT, I have been thinking about changing to a different FISH OIL (the capsule form…I think I need something BETTER)….I would like some input about the kind of fish oil some of you fellow CrossFitters use….any information would be welcomed and appreciated!
    In Fish Oil We Trust,
    kendra vair

  3. Check out Whole9life.com. They have some great information about fish oil and a fish oil calculator to help figure our how much you need. I recommend getting the brand with the highest EPA and DHA, Carlson’s has a few great capsule brands and i’ve had Gene get me some at Sam’s Club before that was pretty good (just the generic brand i think).
    Just so you know, the concentrate will have higher levels of EPA and DHA in smaller dosages than the pills so you won’t have to take quite as much. I take Carlson’s salmon oil capsules right now, but i’m having to take almost 10 capsules a day to get the amount of fish oil i’d like.
    Just do some research throughout websites and figure out what’s best cost wise for you as well. There are a few brands i would love to take, just can’t afford it right now. Good luck!

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