Sotts Press
5 – 5 – 5
Step It Up Annie
50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
Dumbell/Kettlebell Step-ups, 35#/20#, 24"/18"
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Joel setting up for some SDLHPs.
Today we'll be trying out the Sotts Press. I know some of you have played with this recently. The Sotts press is a press initiated from the bottom of the squat position. It can be done with a barbell, dumbells, or kettlebells. When performed with a barbell, as we'll do today, we'll use the snatch grip. As with any new skill, you'll start with the PVC and slowly move up.
Check out this link for Sotts Press instruction by Coach B and a demo by Kelly Starrett (have you been checking out his MobilityWOD site – it may help with those tight shoulders!).
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