Saturday 100918


Team Chipper: Athletes will be split into 2 teams and will complete the following head-to-head style:

1. Tire drag – 300 feet

2. 30 ring dips

3. 30 box jumps

4. 30 pull-ups

5. 30 tire flips

6. 30 double-unders

7. parallette hops, 3 rounds

8. med ball run, 400m

Details on the movements and specifics on how the team members will rotate will be provided when you arrive. Plan to work hard, have fun, and get dirty. We'll earn the fun we'll have tonight at Pott's for Donnie's farewell!


Nicole getting dialed on her kettlebell swings!

Don't forget – tonight, CB Potts Collinsdale, 7 PM. We'll be bidding Donnie farewell. Also check your email or the whiteboard for an invite from Tim for a get-together afterward. 

1 thought on “Saturday 100918”

  1. Great WOD this morning to all the super awesome athletes who attended!
    Fun in the drizzle…although for all of our marathon runners I think the rain came a day early…as the tradition seems to be rainy days for running days…best of luck to all of you tomorrow though! I will be with you in spirit…from my couch…

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