Tuesday 100727


Handstand Push-ups

5 sets max-reps

The sets can be free-standing, against the wall, or in bands.

Upon completion of the sets, perform 3 attempts at freestanding handstands.


70 squats

60 double-unders

50 sit-ups

40 wall balls, 20#/14#

30 kettlebell swings, 70#/50#

20 ring-dips

10 pull-ups

20 ring dips

30 kettlebell swings

40 wall balls, 20#/14#

50 sit-ups

60 double-unders

70 squats

Post time to comments.


Warren during the burpee-thon!

Today there was some discussion on how to fuel for the upcoming Battle Ready Open and Colorado Open. Here's a free article from the CrossFit Journal available on competition fueling. This has info for CrossFit competition, as well as endurance events. We like what it says about not drastically changing what you're doing now. Many of you have your nutrition dialed in. It wouldn't make sense and your body probably wouldn't like it if you bailed on what you've been doing and ate 2 pounds of pasta the night before to get your carb load! Check it out and see if this might work for you. 

Below is a small taste, download it here for the whole thing: Download CFJ_Wunderle_Fueling

Pre-Competition Nutrition—CrossFitter

From an everyday perspective, fueling can remain as it is achieved in a Paleo or Zone protocol. If, however, the CrossFit athlete will be engaging in multiple WODs over the course of one, two or three days, we will want to see a larger portion of carbohydrate consumed to top off our glycogen stores. Sweet potatoes are a good choice for athletes following either a Zone or Paleo protocol. From a quantity standpoint, the athlete should look to eat approximately two additional blocks of carbohydrate during the breakfast and lunch before the first day of competition. Dinner is less relevant as complex carbohydrates will not process for about 18 hours. If a competition is multiple days, the lunch and breakfast protocols can be followed for dinner as well.


11 thoughts on “Tuesday 100727”

  1. Kelley De Laney

    Thanks for the “pre-competition Nutrition” Jon! That helps!
    I’m WAY excited for this WOD!!!! It’s gonna blow me up, but i’m way excited because i’ll be stronger after it! Whoo!!!!

  2. Hey…….someone hacked on the site and put a WOD with a bunch of exercises with a ton of reps of everything.

  3. Is there a time cap on this one? I might be there until the sun goes down trying to complete the double-unders.

  4. got a new butt raspberry!!! gosh i just love them, maybe i should do sit ups everyday until my butt falls off?…now i’m just being crude.
    Good luck everyone, it was a brutal wod, i’m gonna be in the neighborhood later so i’ll stop in to cheer you all on!

  5. Great job today to everyone. Tuff WOD. Jon’s programing has been awesome so far.
    Ryan, guess you better stop going to Mickey D’s, or at least get rid of your receipts quickly!

  6. I know! Gotta make some serious life style changes or I will be bummin! Death my receipt…what a way to go.

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