Sunday 100627

Rest Day!


Todd hucking wall balls!

Congratulations to Kelley on passing her State of Colorado Firefighter I written and practical exams today! This is the culmination of many months of hard work on her part. Give her props when you see her, it's a great accomplishment. Way to go Kelley!!!

15 thoughts on “Sunday 100627”

  1. Hey check out the picture on the main site. Maybe we should have thought of this idea for weighted pull ups…that’s completely a joke

  2. Way to go Kelley!
    That’s a cool picture on the main site…if those bands snap on the bottom though that dude could be bummin!

  3. He would definately get air if both broke, a sweet carwheel if only one broke!
    How about the ring HSPUs from today’s mainsite WOD? Maybe something for us to try?!

  4. I was looking at that!! I want to try it…but i’ll need at least 5 people to spot me while trying that stunt haha

  5. Some of you got to meet Quinn and Carly who were in from out of town. Quinn posted a message on the Evolve facebook page. Thank you all for welcoming Quinn and Carly.
    “Just wanted to send out an overwhelming Thank-You! to Crossfit Evolve. I dropped in for a Thursday afternoon WOD while visiting from Florida, then brought Carly for a morning WOD Friday. The plan was to hit the 10am Saturday WOD as well, but both of us were SOREly incorrect in our expectation. And today, I am embarrassingly unable to perform the classic Globo-Gym Bicep Curl.”
    “Crossfit Evolve could not have a better vibe. Loved the WODs, loved the trainers, loved the athletes. Thank You to all. Only 3 months in and already an incredible box.”
    Good Luck!
    -Quinn Myers
    Jupiter, FL

  6. I hand the opportunity today to meet an incredibly extraordinary gentlemen. A severe accident left him paralyzed from the shoulders down. He has an amazing talent and passion for art. Seemingly the injury would render him unable to continue in his passion for being an artist. Or at least one would assume. However this is quit incorrect. He found a way to overcome his challenge and peruse being an artist none the less. I had the chance to see the way he overcame his challenge and the art he produces. I will tell you it one of the more amazing things I have seen in a long time.
    I am certain most of you are wondering how this pertains to what we do at crossfit. My answer is: the next time you are at the gym and faced with a challenge you are not convinced you can overcome remember this artist. Remember the way he overcame the loss of the use of the majority of him body, and how for the love what he does he was able to overcome. Time and time again we are reminded that the human body is capable of amazing things if we will just let it perform. I felt as though this was an amazing example of just that. For more on Phillips story, example of his art work and exactly how he does what he does check out: Please remember Phillip the next time you are faced with a challenge you are not convinced you can overcome.

  7. I have to agree with Gene on the built-in weighted pull ups, only for me they’re called hips and thighs! One of the many advantages to being a girl!

  8. Gene i don’t think you have any room to talk about love handles, mine just like to linger around!
    And was that you Jill who wrote that last message or was that Tyson and is he trying to tell us all something?

  9. No, he is trying to tell you something!
    Scott amazing story and so true. How often do we take things for granted. Days where we don’t feel like working out, think of the individual who would kill to do what we are able to do, tired or not!

  10. My bad, I didn’t realize I was logged on as Tyson. Sorry, Ty! You don’t have hips and thighs like a girl. 🙂

  11. Very true Scott- it’s always amazing to see people overcome the obstacles they are faced with!
    Jill- loved the comment w/ Tyson’s name attached.:)
    Miss you all! And the the Samaritan WOD- you all are crazy!

  12. Kelley De Laney

    THANKS GUYS!!!!! The support from this box has been awesome, and was a key factor on my success!!! See ya all in the box this week!

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