Wednesday 100505

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

9 squat cleans, 95#/65#

7 wall balls, 20#/14#

5 ring dips

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John getting in his first WOD at Evolve. Nice work today, it's good to have you!

Watching the Evolve athletes the last couple of days has been amazing. There was the snatch workout that you all did so well at, even though for many of you this was the first time executing this difficult lift during a WOD. And you all fought through and did great. You listened to our cues, you dug in, and you got through it. Then today there were all those 400s. Several of you looked at that workout today and told me how long you thought it would take you to get through it. And you know what? You were all wrong – you all beat your anticipated time by a lot. For many of you athletes, your are at the very beginning of your CrossFit career, and you are doing better than you ever thought, doing more work than you ever thought, faster than you ever thought. We knew what you were capable of the whole time, it's great to see it when you guys realize it too! Imagine what will happen with some time under your belt. We can't wait to see it all go down.

You guys are doing great and are inspiration to us and each other. Keep coming in consistently, keep working hard, keep a positive attitude, and you'll all get everything you're after!

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