Thursday 100520


Rope Climbs


"The Bear"

5 rounds w/ 2 minutes rest between rounds of:

7 x Squat clean to press to back squat to press

Bear crawl 20 yards

There's a 1 burpee penalty for setting the bar down during the round.


Katie M, Katie L, and John bring the squats outside.

Yesterday we wrote about goals. Once they're identified there's a process to achieve them. Check out this article by Jen Morris of CrossFit Altitude ( on "The Key to Results". Post thoughts to comments.

Persistance, Patience, Consistency

by Jen Morris
Results, getting what you want, reaching a goal, hitting a milestone, achieving a dream . . . call it what you want. The bottom line is in fitness (as in life) the only way to get there, where ever "there" may be, is by being persistent, patient, and consistent in what you do.
When it comes to CrossFit, we all have to start somewhere. Some of us may just be deciding to get into shape, some of us may feel we need to take our existing fitness to another level. One of the best things about CrossFit is that results are measurable. We can record our bodyweight and measurements, keep track of our max lifts, number of reps in a given period of time, entering the muscle up club, getting 10 double unders in a row, doing a handstand push up, doing 30 muscle ups, losing 10 pounds, getting a pb in Fran, running a mile faster than you ever thought possible . . . whatever it is we can record it and we can work on improving it. Here's my thoughts on how to do this:
To Persist: To go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition, importunity, or warning. Being persistent comes into play when we realize that we need to practice, practice and practice some more . . . despite the frustration we may feel, the pain in our quads, the burning in our shoulders, the puke in our throats. Being persistent means never giving up, never giving in to pain and never letting anyone tell you that you can't do something – the most important person being you!
To be Patient: Bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint, manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain, not hasty or impetuous, steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity. Able or willing to bear. How many times have you thrown your hands up and said "I give up"? How many times have you come across a challenge that just eludes you to the point of just wanting to walk away from it? Again, results take time to achieve, sometimes years and years! The key here is to focus on what you want, what your limitations are currently and work on those things, over and over. Always knowing that one day you will get there. Learn to deal with the fact that not everything comes naturally and that everyone has a different learning curve. Compare yourself to you. As competitive as CrossFit has become, it is still important to remember that it is yourself you must answer to at the end of the day.
To be Consistent: Marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity. This is a pet peeve of mine. How many times have I been asked how it is that I have a certain physique, can do a muscle up, do a handstand push-up or lift a heavy weight? My answer is always- I work hard- consistently. Working out at CrossFit is once aspect of it, being consistent in diet and other aspects of life (like consistent sleep) are also huge factors in performance and overall results. Expecting results by doing a CrossFit WOD once or twice a week is ridiculous. CrossFit by design is meant to be done in a regular and consistent manner. If you come to a class every day with a couple of days rest in between, oh let's say one rest day for every 3 wods – that would be ideal! (That is is the CrossFit prescription by the way!) Some people find 3 days on one day off a bit much, so try 3 days on, one day off then 3 days on 2 days off. Whatever works for you – just do it CONSISTENTLY. When those muscles are tired and sore, don't lay in bed or complain all day. If it's your day to be working out get in the gym and just do it! Another great thing about CrossFit is that the WODs are designed to be done back to back- they are always different! Yes, sometimes your shoulders may be sore from all those presses you just did, but this is how we get stronger!
So remember – when you are wondering why you are struggling with something, whether it be a physical task or getting something you want in life – be persistent (never relent), be patient (it will happen eventually), and be consistent in your approach.
Good luck! See you all in the gym.


5 thoughts on “Thursday 100520”

  1. Tell me you all love the BEAR! One of my most loved WOD’s! If it makes you all feel better, I did it at the station and my body is still wrecked. I think the BEAR won this one!

  2. Can’t wait to see the Bear Claw picture Jon…thanks for the modifications and the smack down on Gino:) An angel ever since!!! Looks like the WOD today helped both of us, glad I came in:)

  3. You be Shar, we all need a beat down every once in a while to keep us in line. I know you guys would give my kids a beat down if they needed it, that’s what friends are for!!!

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