The Vibe


Katie finishing the WOD with a 400 meter run.

We've been talking to a lot of people about our new box, about our philosophies on CrossFit and coaching and programming, about nutrition, and any other topic that comes up. One thing we seem to be talking a lot about is the vibe. What vibe you may ask? Well, each CrossFit box has it's own vibe. That's a big part of the CrossFit experience, why in some cities, Denver included, there are so many affiliates in close proximity to one another. It's why some athletes will drive by one CrossFit affiliate to workout at another. We've been fortunate to have been able to work out at several different affiliates. They're all very cool, and at each and every one the coaches and athletes were great. But each one had a different feel, a different vibe. So when we get a call from someone who's interested in signing up, the first thing we do is have them come over and check out a workout or foundations class, meet the coaches, and meet the athletes. We want to make sure someone is comfortable with our space, with our trainers, with our vibe, before jumping in.

If you or someone you know is interested in CrossFit, have them come by on Saturday for our open house at 10 am. You can check out Evolve and get a feel for the place!

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