Carol working on her body rows during her first Foundations. Welcome to Evolve Carol!
We've had lots of people dropping in the last few days and we love it! We hope we haven't missed anyone when we're not there. In these early days, the schedules are pretty random until this first Foundations class is completed. If you want to come by and check out the box, feel free to call us first to make sure we'll be there! Along those lines, we'll be out of town this weekend for the Mountain States Sectional Games in Golden. The top 30 male and top 30 female competitors will move on to the Regional Games in May, from which the top 4 male and top 4 female competitors go to the World Games in California. Follow the results this weekend by clicking on the games icon on the right. If you're interested, here's the WODs for the first day:
WOD #1: 3 rounds for time:
500m row
21 72# kettlebell swings
400m run (in snow if the weather forecast is right!)
WOD #2: Snatch/Muscle-Ups
In 12 minutes, reach a 1-rep max snatch
Get 2# for each muscle-up completed during the 12 minute period
If you see these workouts and you're saying to yourself "I don't even know what those exercises are" don't worry! We have Foundations Classes going all the time. It's a great way to become familiar with CrossFit!